At PMFAS, we do our best to help reunite animals with their original owners if they are lost and then found. If you have lost your animal, please reach out to the shelter with a contact name and number, a physical description of the animal including any collars/harnesses, and the last location it was seen. With this information, we can post it on Facebook and other platforms to help your pet return home. We also suggest that you reach out to your town's Animal Control Officer to help with your search. If you have found an animal, the first step is to reach out to the town's ACO. If you need assistance in locating an Animal Control Officer, please contact the Town Clerk Office where the animal was found. PMFAS is not able to take in stray animals without their hold time with the contacting town being up. This varies per town. Below is a list of towns with their Animal Control Officers contact Information.
Below are some tips and tricks to help you find your lost animal.
4473 Barton Orleans Road Orleans, VT 05860
Business Hours:
Open Daily
8:00AM - 5:00PM
(By appointment only)
Tues, Fri, Saturday:
12:00PM - 3:00PM
12:00pm-1:00PM - Cat Visiting Hours
1:00PM - 3:00PM - Adoption Process for Approved Adopters
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