At Pope Memorial Frontier Animal Shelter, we have a little thing we like to call “Keeper of the Kennel” (or Kitty- your choice!). KOK is a monthly sponsorship to our shelter. For $25 a month, you are sponsoring a specific animal that is in our care. You can do this to celebrate someone’s birthday month, or all year long! PMFAS Staff can email or mail you a print out of the animal you are sponsoring to share with everyone!
4473 Barton Orleans Road Orleans, VT 05860
Business Hours:
Open Daily
8:00AM - 5:00PM
(By appointment only)
Tues, Fri, Saturday:
12:00PM - 3:00PM
12:00pm-1:00PM - Cat Visiting Hours
1:00PM - 3:00PM - Adoption Process for Approved Adopters
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